Breakfast Favorite Orange Juice Tainted by Glyphosate Herbicide Threatens Our Health and Florida’s Environment
Glyphosate in Orange Juice
In August, news broke that Cheerios, Quaker Oats, and other breakfast cereals were contaminated with glyphosate weed killer. Just this week, more news of glyphosate in snack bars. Parents across the nation became concerned about their family’s breakfast foods and snacks. Now we learn we must also be looking at the most popular breakfast beverage, orange juice, as well.
Over one year after initial tests, Moms Across America sent America's most popular orange juice brands to be tested again for the carcinogenic chemical glyphosate. The new test results, ranging from 2.99 ppb to 17.16 ppb, are not promising. Although the different brands, Tropicana, Minute Maid, Costco��s Kirkland Signature, and Stater Bros. had slightly lower levels of glyphosate weed killer than the first tests conducted a year ago, all still had detectable levels of glyphosate. In addition, Moms Across America added another sample, Florida’s Natural, and the results were not only among the highest of all the brands tested for glyphosate residues, the sample from the brand showed results almost 3 times higher than the previous year’s test results provided to another organization, showing an increase, rather than a decrease of the use of glyphosate herbicides.
Florida’s Natural glyphosate testing in 2017 showed the following results: glyphosate amount detected: 2.14 ppb; AMPA amount detected: 1.98 ppb, the effective glyphosate level was 5.11 ppb. In 2018 the test results showed an effective level of glyphosate at 14.42.
Recently plaintiff Alexandra Axon, represented by Richman Law Group, sued Florida’s Natural for misleading the public by claiming their product is natural when in fact it contains glyphosate. The lawsuit is still pending.
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Press Release Gly in OJ
For Immediate Release
Glyphosate Weedkiller Found in All 5 Popular Orange Juice Brands
Supporting article and full results here.
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Mission Viejo, CA- Today Moms Across America released glyphosate test results revealing that all of the five popular orange juice brands tested positive for glyphosate weed killer. Moms Across America founder Zen Honeycutt stated, "The discovery of glyphosate residue in orange juice is unacceptable, especially since a branch of the World Health Organization designated glyphosate a probable carcinogen, two years ago, back in the spring of 2015. The EPA has had ample time to revoke the license of this chemical and restrict its use in our food and beverage crops. As confirmed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, our children, who frequently drink orange juice for breakfast, are especially vulnerable to pesticides and measures should be taken immediately to protect them."
The average person in America consumes 2.7 gallons of orange juice and 3 pounds of oranges each year. “100% Pure Orange Juice” is a common claim used by many juice brands that allow consumers to feel safe when serving it to their families on a daily basis. Finding glyphosate in food and beverages is becoming less of a surprise and more of a serious health risk, as honey, cereals, bagels, eggs, snacks, wine, beer, and most recently Ben & Jerry’s Ice cream have tested positive for glyphosate. The EU is currently reviewing evidence of coverups by the manufacturer and is considering banning the use of glyphosate herbicides.
Glyphosate is the declared active chemical ingredient in Roundup, manufactured by Monsanto, and 750 other brands of glyphosate-based herbicides. Roundup is the most widely used herbicide in the world, often sprayed as a weedkiller between citrus trees, found in irrigation water and rain.
Two samples of each of the following brands were tested for both the herbicide glyphosate and its residue AMPA. Positive results ranged from 4.33 parts per billion (“ppb”) to an alarming 26.05 ppb. Studies have shown that only 0.1 ppb of glyphosate destroys beneficial gut bacteria, weakening the immune system, which can lead to a wide variety of health and neurological issues. Additionally, 1 part per trillion (ppt) has been shown to stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells. 1 ppt is equivalent to 1 drop in the water of 22 Olympic swimming pools combined.
Conventional citrus growers often insist that harsh chemical herbicides are necessary to maintain crop production and to prevent competition for water between weeds and the orange trees. However, Dr. Don Huber, a professor at Purdue University, a farmer educator, and a plant pathologist with 50 years of experience, has stated that glyphosate is not safe and can, in fact, increase water usage, disease and can be detrimental to citrus growth, soil and irrigation water quality. The USGS showed that counties in Florida had as much as two tons per square mile of residual glyphosate/AMPA in their soil.
Moms Across America and consumers call on Congress to require the EPA to revoke the license of glyphosate, as is being discussed in Europe, and for farmers to switch to organic regenerative practices to protect their families, farm workers, consumers, wildlife, and the environment.
For the full article click here.
Moms Across America is a 501c3 nonprofit, a National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms whose motto is Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids.
Images for Orange Juice results
Moms Across America test results of glyphosate and AMPA in popular orange juice brands.
Glyphosate Found in All 5 Major Orange Juice Brands
Updated August 6, 2021
In 2015 the USDA reported orange juice was the most consumed fruit juice in the United States and oranges were the second most consumed fruit overall, just slightly behind apples. The average person in America consumes 2.7 gallons of orange juice and 3 pounds of oranges each year. “100% Pure Orange Juice” is a common claim used by many juice brands that allow consumers to feel safe when serving it to their families daily. However, recent testing revealed that every one of the five top orange juice brands Moms Across America sent to an accredited lab tested positive for glyphosate weed killer. Glyphosate is the declared active chemical ingredient in Roundup, manufactured by Monsanto, and 750 other brands of glyphosate-based herbicides. Roundup is the most widely used herbicide in the world, often sprayed as a weedkiller between citrus trees, found in irrigation water and rain.
Moms Across America founder Zen Honeycutt stated, "The discovery of glyphosate residue in orange juice is unacceptable, especially since a branch of the World Health Organization designated glyphosate a probable carcinogen, two years ago, back in the spring of 2015. The EPA has had ample time to revoke the license of this chemical and restrict its use in our food and beverage crops. As confirmed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, our children (who frequently drink orange juice for breakfast) are especially vulnerable to pesticides and measures should be taken immediately to protect them."
Two samples of each of the following brands were tested for both the herbicide glyphosate and its residue AMPA. Positive results ranged from 4.33 parts per billion (“ppb”) to an alarming 26.05 ppb. Chemical farming proponents will claim that these levels are too low to cause harm, and are lower than the EPA's allowable glyphosate residue level of 30 ppm on citrus, but these claims are irrelevant in comparison to new data. Studies have shown that only 0.1 ppm (100ppb) of glyphosate destroys beneficial gut bacteria, weakening the immune system, which can lead to a wide variety of health and neurological issues. Considering the standard American diet high wheat, sugar, oatmeal, soy, and corn, with levels of up to 6000 ppb or 1.67ppm have been detected, a child can easily exceed 100 ppb if a glass of orange juice is added at 26 ppb.
Additionally, 1 part per trillion (ppt) has been shown to stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells. 1 ppt is equivalent to 1 drop in the water of 22 Olympic swimming pools combined. Considering that studies show glyphosate bioaccumulates in bone marrow, any amount ingested is unacceptable.
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