About Moms Across America


Moms Across America is a National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms. Our motto is "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids."

Our Mission is to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities. Join us!

We will do this by doing what we do best, CARING about our families and community and SHARING with them about food, GMOs, PESTICIDES, and health.  We have an opportunity to bring awareness about health issues to our neighbors, communities, and nation and stand together, thousands in our hometowns and million nationally, empowered and unified, for our kids' healthy future.

Who? Moms! Because we buy 85% of the food! It's up to us!  If we don't buy it, they can't sell it!  Plus, Moms are unstoppable and our only special interest is our family.  Moms across America have seen rising health risks associated with toxins in our environment, especially in the food we feed our children.  We want the ability to know what is in our food to care best for our families.  We also invite EVERYONE to join us!  This movement is not just for Moms, we need everyone!!

Why?  Avoiding GMOs and toxic pesticides has been reported to improve health in families across the country.  By raising awareness about GMOs and chemical farming, we improve the health of our community, increase the prosperity of our country and support future generations.

How? Create an event to educate your neighbors about health issues such as GMOs or pesticides/herbicides.  If just one MOM shares about GMOs with 10 Moms, who all share with 5 Moms, and each of those share with 5 Moms, who share with 5...that one Mom, YOU will have reached 1270 Moms in your town! We can reach millions together!  WE CAN DO THIS!  These are OUR children, this is our country and it is our RIGHT to take care of our families' nutrition fully informed.  Tell all those you care about--your yoga class, your women's circle, your book club--get everyone on board!  Host a movie night, potluck, or Meetup! Join into your local parade, have a booth or walk through a street fair, pass out flyers at a farmer's market, or just leave flyers at your library. 

Where?  If there's no event near you, then you have an opportunity to be a catalyst for change by creating one and getting Moms nearby to join in.  It's as easy as hosting a movie night.  Check out our film page under "about" for great ways to share informational movies with your friends and start a conversation.

When? NOW!  62 other countries have either labeled or banned GMOs. 34 countries ban or restrict glyphosate. Why not America?  Let's raise awareness and create change.  Each of us has the power and together we are unstoppable!!

We want safe, healthy food and honest labeling NOW!  We want Glyphosate/Round-Up banned NOW!  We want toxic pesticide/herbicide-free neighborhoods! Because We Said So!  Join us in parades or other events this year, reaching millions of people directly and tens of millions more through their families and media.  Be a part of history and make America even greater!

Thank YOU!

Zen Honeycutt and the MAA Team

Moms Across America is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt public charity consistent with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Our tax identification number is 30-0891447.  Charitable contributions to Moms Across America are tax-deductible according to Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.  

Privacy Policy:  Moms Across America is a non-profit, grassroots organization and receives contact information through online volunteer signup, donations, newsletter subscriptions, and other outreach. This contact information is only used by Moms Across America to support our mission of educating and empowering communities and individuals, locally, nationally, and around the world. Moms Across America may contact you about our work or the work of our coalition partners. We will not give your name to other organizations. You may be notified about participating in outreach educational activities such as lectures, media interviews, demonstrations, teach-ins, phone trees, newsletters, website updates, leaflet distribution, product sales, etc.


Thank you for your support!

Showing 22 reactions

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  • Don S
    commented 3 years ago
    I really love what you guys do, supporting moms across America. I really wish we had something like this in Canada, though we have similar organizations. What you guys do is really special, so Iw anted to show my gratitude. Thanks a bunch.

    Yours sincerely,
    Don from Victoria BC
    Appliance Repair Victoria
    (778) 400-2049
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  • Ruth
    followed this page 8 years ago
  • C R
    commented 8 years ago
    This would be more interesting if we could reply to people here. All I want is to ask people for studies. Here’s a forum where we could actually converse: http://www.natmedtalk.com/
  • C R
    commented 8 years ago
    Billboards are $350 a month in Grand Rapids, Michigan, if you’re interested. I looked into it. We also have digital billboards which might be less as they can rotate 4-5 ads on it all the time. Each ad is shown for 5-7 seconds.

    Also there is a tagged, searchable list of 90+ studies on glyphosphate if you’re interested. Very helpful if you’re looking for studies on specific symptoms, a certain country, or by certain authors. Go there http://goo.gl/iVrB3g and click on the “searchable library” link right at the top.
  • Jessica Denning
    commented 8 years ago
    There is no possible to way to know if GM food has sickened and killed and hospitalized folks. It is not labeled. That is why it is not labeled. So that claims can be made that no one has been hospitalized. Without a label, GM is not liable.
    On the other hand organic food was eaten for hundreds of thousands of years. Just fine.
    Now with GM food, we do know that half of Californian adults are prediabetic.
    That does not sound auspicious, for GM food the last 20 years, now does it?
  • Michaeland Stephens
    commented 8 years ago
    When are you going to start educating moms about the real threats. Organic food has sickened and killed people but Gm food hasn’t even hospitalized anyone in 20 years. Also why are you opposed to allowing people who have different views from posting ?
  • SoySorry
    commented 9 years ago
    You ask, Why not America? Because Monsanto is sure to mislead and falsify GMO truth at State elections that try to enforce GMO labeling. And unbelievably Americans are convinced not to vote for GMO labeling…sad but true. And more withheld toxic truth: http://nihtoxictruth.blogspot.com. @soysorry
  • Desautels Anne
    commented 10 years ago
    Patriotism on a Plate: Moms are Marching. Join a parade near you! GET LOUD about GMOs! #YesMaam #July4th @marchingmoms http://bit.ly/1wF8Erw via @marchingmoms
  • John Mccarthy
    commented 10 years ago
    I would like to also volunteer for this campaign. Please let me know how I can be associated with this.

    John From http://Secstates.net
  • Barbara E Thomas
    commented 10 years ago
    Do you ever wish that GMOs were FICTION? If you’ll be in the Philadelphia/South Jersey area tomorrow night 11/20, you will not want to miss this special event sponsored by GMO Free NJ. Help us welcome authors Jon McGoran and Chuck Wendig who will talk about GMOs in fiction writing. They will also be signing copies of their (GMO themed) books so bring your holiday gift list. Non-GMO refreshments will be served and for just one night we can all go off together to a world where GMOs are FICTIONAL! Sign up here: https://www.facebook.com/events/788511524524469/
  • Steve Noonan
    commented 11 years ago
    YES – I LIKE IT – How can I help Steve Noonan Songwriter
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  • Andrew Stephenson
    commented 11 years ago
  • elizbath martin
    commented 11 years ago
    Healthy food is one off the most important thing We can deliver to our children. Modernization of kitchen never belongs only style and design but it also holds few aspects of health and food storage. like a refrigerator http://french-door-refrigerator.net/ are not only modernize your kitchen but also provide hygenic environment to preserve food.
  • @ tweeted this page. 11 years ago
    Moms Want Everyone to Know about GMOs! Let's make America Healthy again! #YesMaam #July4th @MarchingMoms http://www.momsacrossamerica.com/about?recruiter_id=2
  • Moms Across America posted about About on Moms Across America's Facebook page 11 years ago
    Moms Want Everyone to Know about GMOs! Let's make America Healthy again! #YesMaam #July4th @MarchingMoms
  • Andrew Stephenson
    commented 11 years ago
    Just read this if you think GM Frankenfoods are ok, Remember the ‘YES’ vote is only about the right to know whereas the ‘no’ group is about lies, deceit and that old motivator, making money at your risk! :-
  • elizbath martin
    commented 11 years ago
    Its a good step. Healthy children can built a healthy nation.
    From: http://becoming-a-psychiatrist.org/best-schools-to-become-a-psychiatrist/
  • Grace Hickok
    commented 11 years ago
    Awesome!!! I am with you guys, excellente!!!!

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