Toxin Free Town Tour - Moms Across America

Toxin Free Town Tour

Support the Toxin Free Town Tour!

Help us get GMOs,  Roundup and Toxic Chemicals OUT of our Country!!! Now!!
Honeycutt_RV_first_trip.jpg    map_usa_flag.jpg Mom_Mobile.jpg

I am Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America and my family and I are driving cross country on the National Toxin Free Town Tour to raise awareness about toxins and empower citizens to take action and get Roundup and toxic chemicals OUT of their Towns and GMOs off their tables. 
We are able and willing to meet with locals and supporters in 40 stops roundtrip and give out free flyers, banners and materials to help create healthy communities. Every person who receives these materials gives their community  new solutions and reverses the health crisis America! It's time!!!

Will you chip in $5, $10 or what ever you can to support us in raising awareness?

Supporting this tour also helps to release the grip of our country from corporate control. The chemical companies only power they have over our government because we give them our money by buying their products. Together we can raise awareness and regain health, justice and freedom in America!



We need about $7,000 for the trip: $2000 for gas, $2000 for video editing and graphics for the video we will make about the organic farms we visit and the supporters and their stories along the way, $1800 for RV spots and $1200 for support for logistics. 

We are super grateful that Dr.Bronner's will match donations! The additional funds will go towards support of the tour- the program support, T shirts, materials, flyers, lawn signs, and organic food donations to local food banks. 
It would mean so much to us to meet our supporters, raise awareness cross country,  empower action for healthy communities and donate to food banks.

If we do not raise the full amount, priority goes towards gas, materials and the video. We hope to raise more than enough to give freely to food banks and have plenty of supplies to give out!

We will connect with supporters and meet new people all across the country and bring them SUPPORT and SOLUTIONS!

Todd_and_Bronson.jpg  Carol_and_Zen.jpg

We have 14 meetings with supporters planned on the way over. We are makes 40 + stops dropping off flyers and materials at as many as possible.  If you want to meet us along the way, get free materials, have Zen do a talk or meet with your group members, please contact us at

It is simply not enough for your family or my family to eat organic or to stop spraying Roundup in our yards. Our children's future spouses are out there somewhere- likely eating GMOs and toxins from their food, neighbors and public parks. So this is a community issue, a national and global issue. One family at a time we can make a difference and protect future generations.

I will be so thankful for your support. This is my life's passion, and my family is utterly devoted to this cause. I promise your donation will make a difference for generations to come. 

Thank you!

Huge Hugs from the Honeycutts!








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