Proof of GMO Harm - Moms Across America

Proof of GMO Harm

Moms just know. We knew when we saw " The Future of Food" or "Food Inc" or " The Vanishing of the Bees" that this was bad. Nothing good could come from patenting seeds, dousing them and injecting them with poison and then spraying them with more poison and feeding to our nation. We  knew that Robyn O'Brien exposed it when she linked GMOs to allergies. We knew that Jeffrey Smith put the first of many nails in the coffin of what will someday be the GMO DEBACLE. We knew that GMOs and chemical farming was hurting our kids, but besides a shocking study of rats with tumors that went completely ignored by main stream media, we did not have proof.

Until now, This is as called it, "The Worst Week Ever for Monsanto Science".

First on Tuesday, the study of Pigs and GMO feed. PROOF that GMOs and the pesticide and herbicide combinations in and on them DO impact the stomachs of mammals. It has been claimed by Monsanto that these chemicals only kill bugs and do not affect mammals because we have a stomach acid. Look at the pictures.  Mammals are impacted. The pigs had stomach ulcers and severe damage which is also skyrocketing in our American children. They show signs which mimick autism: distraction, irritability and inability to follow directions. Autism rate shave gone from 1 in 10,000 children to 1 in 50, in the 15 years since GMos and Glyphosate has been sprayed ON our food.( get our Howard Vliger DVD for more info)

They also had 25% heavier uteruses, resulting increased miscarriages. We currently have the lowest birth rate in America's recorded history. Every Mom I know as either had a miscarriages, has trouble getting pregnant or has a sister who lost a baby, many in the the third trimester, mysteriously, or to "SIDS" as an infant. These are our BABIES!!! The tragedy of loss is something no mother should ever have to bear. To find out it may have been prevented with just some regulatory testing is too outrageous for me to even comprehend. What if this is linked to my miscarriage, what if my baby had lived? Might I have had a daughter? It's time for Monsanto to do the wondering...when they are going to stop doing this and start doing something else.

Dr. Judy Carman: Evidence of GMO Harm in Pig Study



Then Wednesday,  the report of Glyphosate showing up in 18 countries throughout Europe came out. What I wonder is, how are they getting tested? I am sure it is in our urine too, as I have called the water department and they shared recording of glyphosate in the CA water with me. But none of my doctors will test me for it. Another Mom was told that no lab would test her for it because Monsanto owns the patent and no testing is allowed. So we cannot even test our own blood and urine for the most commonly used herbicide on our planet?

Then, today I got the email with the Mother of all Damning evidence. The C word. Cancer. And the worst one of all, breast cancer.
You just cannot get a bigger offense then this, Monsanto, being linked to killing MOTHERS and women by the millions???? If I were you I would close up shop today. Really. Cut your losses and admit when the time has come. The Race for the Cure is Over, Susan. Time to use your millions to sue Monsanto instead.
This is it folks. Time to get all this information to our senators, congressmen and women, teachers, nurses, and friends.
We no longer need to debate. It's time to legislate and get GMOs off our plates and out of our states!
Scientists have been HUGE in propelling our momentum. Each one fo these groups has been the feet on the ground. We are doing it!!! Love to, Howard Vlieger and friends, , GMWatch, Jeffrey Smith, GMO FREE USA, March Against Monsanto, Millions Against Monsanto, GMOinside, Natural News, Info Wars, GM watch, GMO Evidence, Weekly Womens GMO Free News, Elizabeth Dougherty, Smart Health Talk,, Houndstooth Radio, Mother's Market and Thrive Radio, Gary Hirshberg & Just Label It, Dr. Bronners, Friends of the Earth, Pesticide Action Network, Food and Water Watch, NON GMO Project, Occupy Monsanto,  Organic Consumer Association, Robyn O'Brien, Food Democracy Now, the Coalition of 37 States and many more  ( if I forgot to put your group down , please chalk it up to 11pm Mommy brain and let me know). We may be many separate groups but we are one mighty force.
Zen Honeycutt

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  • Ruth
    followed this page 8 years ago
  • Zen Honeycutt
    commented 11 years ago
    I never said I out right oppose biotechnology and genetic engineering all together Madeline, you are making that up. I oppose untested GMOs in our food with viruses and bacteria, foreign proteins, doused in Glyphosate and other toxic poisons. I am especially opposed to them being unlabeled, That just has no integrity to not be transparent about what is on our food.I know biotechnology does wonderful things. GMO soy, corn, cotton etc is just not one of them.

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